What is a Vicennial Renewal?

A Vicennial Renewal is a single payment that renews a patent for the entire 20-year term.

Not all countries permit payment of Vicennial Renewals, but they are available in South Africa and Nigeria.

Can Vicennial Renewals be paid for all patents?

GlobalIPCo and S&Z process Vicennial Renewals for all South African, Nigerian and SANi Patents. The patents need not have been filed by GlobalIPCo or S&Z.

When can Vicennial Renewals be paid?

Although it is best to pay Vicennial Renewals on filing South African, Nigerian or SANi patent, the Vicennial Renewal may be paid at any time prior to expiry of the patent.

What is the cost of a Vicennial Renewal?

A Vicennial Renewal is priced at the “standard” cost of about three annual renewal payments. For instance, a Vicennial Renewal for a Nigerian patent costs $730 and a Vicennial Renewal for a South African patent costs $485.

Where the South African, Nigerian or SANi patent was filed by GlobalIPCo or S&Z the Vicennial Renewal cost is discounted. Further discounts are available to law firms.

S&Z offers law firms SANi patent Vicennial Renewals for $875.

The Vicennial Renewal fee is fixed, irrespective of the number of outstanding annuities paid.

How to process a Vicennial Renewal?

Vicennial Renewals can be processed through S&Z or using the GlobalIPCo online system. To pay a Vicennial renewal online: login to the GlobalIPCo system; select New Cases – Renewal; enter the patent number; and pay by credit card.

The renewal will immediately be processed and you will receive the renewal receipt within a couple of business days.

Download the Guide on paying a Vicennial Renewal.

Benefits of paying a Vicennial Renewal

After paying a Vicennial Renewal, you may remove the patent from your renewal system and no longer worry about processing and paying annual renewal fees. The risk of the patent lapsing is reduced, and since all future renewals are pre-paid, you are no longer exposed to increases in official renewal fees.

* Vicennial Renewal is a trademark of GlobalIPCo.

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