SANi Patent – South Africa & Nigeria Combination Patent

To obtain patent protection in Africa, your best options are to file:

  • a SANi Patent (South Africa & Nigeria Combination Patent);
  • an ARIPO Patent (Regional patent); and
  • an OAPI patent (Regional patent).
SANi PatentARIPO PatentOAPI Patent
Time to grant4 months+ 48 months+ 18 months
“Renewal to term”YesNoNo

Of the three options, the SANi Patent (with a GDP of $734 billion – more than ARIPO and OAPI Patents combined) offers the most value.

SANi Patent Cost

Since SANi Patents are not examined, the cost from filing to courier of the patent certificate is fixed. Furthermore, SANi Patents may be “renewed to term” (i.e. all renewal annuities for the entire 20 year term may be paid upfront) at heavily discounted rates:

SANi PatentCost (S&Z)
Filing to courier of certificate$ 875
Renewal “to term” (20 years)$ 875
Total$ 1,750

If the SANi Patent is “renewed to term”, there are no further costs for the life of the patent.

How to file a SANi Patent

Simply email the PCT / WO number to S&Z or use the GlobalIPCo online filing system. S&Z is the largest filer of patents in Africa, filing about 5,000 patents per year.

Note: Pricing is reduced if law firms use the GlobalIPCo online filing system.

Amendment of SANi Patents

Both South African and Nigerian patent law permits amendment of patents after grant, provided that the scope of the claims is not increased. As such, most applicants allow SANi Patents to proceed to grant without amendment and, in the unlikely event that infringement action is to be launched, amend the SANi Patent claims just prior to instituting infringement proceedings. This simplifies the SANi patent process and reduces costs to delay acceptance and effect the amendment.

Renewal of SANi Patents

by pre-paying all SANi patent renewals (whether on filing or thereafter), total renewal costs are reduced by more than 80%. This also reduces the risk of the SANi patent unintentionally lapsing.

SANi Patents that are “renewed to term” are referred to as SANi Vicennial Patents.

[The SANi patent is not the creation of a Treaty]

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Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)