Trademarks | |
Self-filed South African trademark through GlobalIPCo* | US$ 240 |
Prepare and file SA trademark (incl. registration fees)* | R 4,090 |
SA Trademark registrability search | R 2,500 |
*Includes official fees of R590 and costs associated with publication and registration of the mark, but excludes responses to registrar refusals, registrar’s imposition of requirements and third party opposition
Patents & Designs
Online Filing | |
Tailored NDA through Iptica.com (SuperNDA) | Free |
Self-filed provisional patent through GlobalIPCo | US$ 49 |
Traditional filing of South African national phase patent (filing, grant and courier) (via email instruction) | US$ 585 |
Self-filed South African national phase patent through GlobalIPCo (filing and grant) | US$ 469 |
Self-filed Nigerian national phase patent through GlobalIPCo | US$ 600 |
Self-filed South African design through GlobalIPCo | US$ 369 |
South African Patent Renewals * | |||
Years | Official fee | Our fee | Total |
4, 5 and 6 | R130 each | R690 each | R820 each |
7 and 8 | R85 each | R690 each | R775 each |
9 and 10 | R100 each | R690 each | R790 each |
11 and 12 | R120 each | R690 each | R810 each |
13 and 14 | R145 each | R690 each | R835 each |
15 and 16 | R164 each | R690 each | R854 each |
17 and 18 | R181 each | R690 each | R871 each |
19 and 20 | R206 each | R690 each | R896 each |
Design Renewals * | |||
Years | Official fee | Our fee | Total |
4, 5 and 6 | R120 each | R690 each | R810 each |
7 and 8 | R77 each | R690 each | R767 each |
9 and 10 | R90 each | R690 each | R780 each |
11 and 12 | R110 each | R690 each | R800 each |
13 and 14 | R132 each | R690 each | R822 each |
15 | R149 | R690 | R839 |
Trademark Renewals * | |||
Years | Official fee | Our fee | Total |
Every 10 years | R260 | R1,035 | R1,295 |
To pay us by credit card
- insert the amount (in SOUTH AFRICAN RAND) to be paid below (we will provide this); and
- send us an email confirming that payment has been made together with your payment reference (e.g. our invoice number).