Pay trademark renewal in South Africa

South African trademarks must be renewed every 10 years. Using the IdeaNav online trademark renewal system, renewing a trademark can cost as little as R1,140.

Adding your trademark to our renewal system is easy:

  • select “South Africa” as the country
  • input your trademark number
  • click “Search”
  • the system finds your trademark and displays your trademark details
  • confirm that the displayed trademark is correct. The system then imports all your trademark details, including applicant name, class and filing date, and calculates the upcoming renewal date. We require nothing more than the trademark number from you.

Note: You are not required to renew trademarks through the trademark firm that originally filed your trademark. Most of our clients have reduced their trademark renewal cost by more than 75% by migrating to our online renewal system.

Trademark renewal reminders

Our system emails trademark renewal reminders 6 months, 3 months and 1 month before the renewal date. To pay the renewal, login to the system, click the trademark you wish to renew, click “add to cart”; click “checkout”; and pay by credit card. We use Payfast as our credit card merchant, and all our trademark renewals are processed by our trademark attorney.

Power of attorney

If required, the system automatically emails you a Power of Attorney authorising us to pay your trademark renewal. The signed form should be emailed to us for tagging to your trademark. Once tagged, we will not request another Power of Attorney from you for that trademark.

Address for service

We do not change the address for service on the CIPC trademark register. The law firm that originally filed your trademark will remain recorded as the address for service.

Renewal receipts

When the renewal has been processed, we tag the renewal receipt to your trademark. The system keeps you informed of the renewal status, and sends you renewal receipts by email. You are also able to view your historical renewal receipts by logging in to your portfolio.


Our system automatically compares trademarks on our system against new trademarks filed at CIPC and alerts you to similar trademarks that have recently been filed. You can then decide whether to oppose grant of these similar trademarks. This alert service is free.

Patent and design renewals

The IdeaNav renewal system is also the most affordable option for renewing patents worldwide and designs. The system was launched in 2011 and currently manages more than 3,500 renewals for more than 200 clients.


Latest Specials
  • Trademark search

    R2,500 + vat

    Learn More
  • Online SA design filing

    Only $299

    Learn more
  • Save up to 70% on renewal fees

    Save up to 70% on patent renewal fees / annuities by paying them online

    Learn more
  • File provisional patent

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Online SA trademark filing

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Register a Trademark in South Africa

    R4,090 + vat

    Learn more
  • EU Design Registration

    Only $625

    Learn more
  • Patent Pending Number

    Only $199

    Learn more

Get started with the patent process

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Contact us

Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)