3 Month Patent Certificate in South Africa
Our average time for couriering a South African patent certificate is 3 months from the filing date. Some times we even get it down to 6 weeks.
For example: ZA2021/05498 was filed on 3 August 2021; accepted on 11 August 2021; published on 25 August 2021; and sent to the client today (16 September 2021).
Before using the GlobalIPCo management system, issuance of the patent registration certificate took more than a year. Not only has the GlobalIPCo system accelerated grant of our South African patents, it also increased our patent filings by 1000%, making S&Z the #1 filer of South African patents in September 2021. In November, S&Z captured nearly 50% of the South African patent market, filing +500 patents per month.
GlobalIPCo and S&Z continue to work on ways further to reduce the time for issuance of the South African registration certificate. After proving the system in South Africa, GlobalIPCo will turn to Nigeria, ARIPO and OAPI.