Tenderised Steak Patent

Aging tenderizes a steak, but takes time. Pounding is quick and effective, but you risk the steak being mistaken for a schnitzel. What if you’re handicapped by a brisket and need to deliver a thick, tender steak on short notice?
For reasons I can’t explain, it fell to American Mine Door Company – a supplier of mine doors to the mining industry since 1906 – to solve this culinary challenge:
– score one side of the steak with parallel cuts extending more than half-way through the steak; and
– score the other side of the steak with parallel cuts extending more than half-way through the steak and that are angled (preferably, orthogonal) relative to the first series of score cuts.
Apparently simple, but with surprising benefits:
– the steam and cooking fats circulate right through the steak at points where the cuts cross, searing the steak and speeding up the cooking process; while
– only the interior portion of the steak is entirely separated into cubes, retaining more juices than when all the cutting is done on one side of the steak.
(Patent: US2046118)
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