Starbucks Coffee Patent
Starbucks’ Patented Coffee Secret ☕ :
Learning from others is good. Learning a principle third-hand and patenting it is better. Geotechnical engineers learnt from suppliers of compressed gas that two-stage compression is more efficient and effective than single-stage compression.
In 2009, Paul Camera at Starbucks realised that ground coffee is similar to soil – dark and granular. Mindful that espresso forms the basis of all Starbucks’ coffee drinks, and the more ground coffee is compacted, the more flavourful the espresso, Paul patented:
– Adding ground coffee to an espresso machine
– Applying 10-60kg primary compression to the ground coffee
– Applying 60-500 secondary compression to the ground coffee
– Forcing heated, pressurised water through the twice-compressed ground coffee.
(Patent: EP2385777)
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