Should I patent my idea?

Most people are able to “patent” their idea; and most should patent their idea; but the reason for patenting will definitely surprise you.

Traditionally, inventors thought they should patent their ideas for “protection“, with the ultimate aim to take competitors to Court and sue them for patent infringement. But this is only one of the three reasons to patent. And, truthfully, this is the weakest of the three.

Why you should reconsider patenting your idea for Protection

When launching a new idea, you need to create “breathing space” for the next 12-24 months. This gives you room to grow and entrench yourself in a competitive market. If you follow the traditional patenting approach, you will only be able to take a competitor to Court and “protect” your idea in 45 months time. For most, that is too late to be useful. So, should you still patent your idea? Definitely.

Why you should patent your idea for Deterrence

Most competitors are scarred off by a product marked “Patent Pending”. Deterrence is effective immediately from the time you mark your product “Patent Pending”. And, you can get a Patent Pending Number within one day. As long as your product has a new feature, describe that feature, upload the description to either the GlobalIPCo ($199) or Iptica ($99) online patent filing system, and get a Patent Pending Number within a day for only $199. See our patent drafting and filing guide.

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Patent Pending Numbers are quick, easy, affordable and highly effective. You don’t need the services of a Patent Attorney to get one.

Quick: Within a business day of filing your patent pending application, you are guaranteed of receiving a Patent Pending Number, which you may add to your product.

Easy: To prepare prepare a document describing your idea is quick and simple, using our Patent Template. To complete the online application form, sign the pre-populated declarations prepared by the online system, and file the application with a Patent Office is effortless. You should be able to: prepare the document within an hour or so, and file the application within minutes.

write patent

Affordable: The total, all-inclusive cost of getting a Patent Pending Number is only $199.

Effective The Patent Pending Number permits you to mark your product and marketing material “Patent Pending” worldwide for 12 months. Whether you live in the UK, Australia, Canada or South Africa, you can get a Patent Pending Number online.

write patent

Why you should patent your idea for Marketing

A product marked “Patent Pending” tells customers that your product is “new” and “innovative”. But, don’t stop there. Follow the Pantene lead – use “Brandtech”, e.g. “Pro-V” – a common chemical that is in nearly every shampoo, but because Pantene coined the “name” and trademark registered it, is “exclusive to” Pantene. Pantene became the #1 selling shampoo by convincing everyone that their shampoo contained something “new” (albeit that it wasn’t new).

Pantene shampoo patent

So, should I patent my idea?

Yes. Definitely for Marketing; most definitely for Deterrence; and possibly for Protection.

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South Africa

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