Renew your patent online

IdeaNav’s online patent renewal tool will save you up to 70% on patent renewals / annuities / maintenance fees!

Why use us to renew your patent?

  • cost savings of up to 70%
  • easy migration – enter your patent number, the software extracts the data
  • displays your patent to confirm the correct patent number
  • adds your patents to your portfolio
  • free renewal reminders by e-mail
  • manage and maintain a live record of your patents
  • add new patent and pay renewal in under 2 minutes
  • pay on-line by credit card or apply for preferred payment status
  • South African patent renewals from R720

Use our online system to renew and manage all your patents worldwide at a significant discount to your existing channel – Guaranteed.

And don’t worry, you are not tied to your existing attorney – just tell them not to renew your patent.

If you have been paying R1500 per year for SA patent renewals, you can now reduce this to R720! And, migrating to us is simple – just insert your patent number. Our software extracts your patent details from the most accurate databases available. You cannot make a mistake – we display your patent information to ensure that you have not inserted the incorrect number. And, then we interrogate various other databases to double-check your patent filing date.

Payment is by credit card using PayFast – a secure payment system specializing in online transactions.

Once your patent is on our system, we remind you of future renewals … a few clicks later, and your patent has been renewed.

Latest Specials
  • Patent Pending Number

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • File provisional patent

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Online SA design filing

    Only $299

    Learn more
  • Save up to 70% on renewal fees

    Save up to 70% on patent renewal fees / annuities by paying them online

    Learn more
  • Trademark search

    R2,500 + vat

    Learn More
  • Online SA trademark filing

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Register a Trademark in South Africa

    R4,090 + vat

    Learn more
  • EU Design Registration

    Only $625

    Learn more

Get started with the patent process

Get in touch

Contact us

Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)