Register Patent Pending Numbers for new concepts
Want to mark your new product “Patent Pending”, but struggling to register the patent without funding? It is now possible to get a Patent Pending Number for only US$49 through GlobalIPCo or $99 through Iptica. Also try our Patent Template and provisional patent filing guide.
In 2018, GlobalIPCo launched a simple online system that enables inventors to get:
- a Patent Pending Numbers for the invention / concept;
- a Trademark for the brand; and
- a Design registration for the shape of the product.
The GlobalIPCo system is so easy to use. You can file a provisional patent application in less than 5 minutes.
Historically, it was difficult to get Patent Pending Numbers for concepts relating to apps, software, websites, electricity generators and business methods – Patent Attorneys often shunned these inventions; drafting the patents were expensive; and limited countries (e.g. the USA) recognised business methods and methods of treatment as patentable. But, this did not prevent DISCOVERY from getting a Patent Pending Number and (ultimately) a valuable US patent for its successful VITALITY concept by filing its first patent application in South Africa. Discovery was fortunate – it had deep pockets.
The GlobalIPCo system is fully automated and issues official Patent Pending Numbers within one South African business day. Thereafter, you may freely market and sell your product and mark it “PATENT PENDING” worldwide for the next 12 months. Add this number to your product, packaging and marketing material – nearly all successful products today did this to secure a foothold in the market. Your application documents will remain secret, and in 12 months’ time you will need to decide whether to file complete patent applications (which, following prosecution in most countries, are granted as registered patents).
Patent Pending Numbers keep your competitors at bay. Your ultimate complete patent application will include a set of claims, which define your monopoly, but this need only be drafted in 12 months’ time. Just ensure that all the features you anticipate including in your main complete patent claim are described in your Patent Pending document.
GlobalIPCo is a Dubai-based company that focusses on managing intellectual property. Some of its other online offerings include free confidentiality agreements / NDAs, an international online patent renewal system, and a South African trademark filing system.