Protect your Brand with TM Direct

To protect your brand, you should register a South African trademark.

An option is to register a trademark online with TM Direct – a trademark registration system operated by S&Z Trademark Attorneys.

How to file a trademark using TM Direct

  1. Visit TM Direct, and click the START button.
  2. TM Direct Register

  3. Register with TM Direct.
    Registering with TM Direct imposes no obligation on you. There is no cost unless you complete a trademark application.
  4. TM Direct Register

  5. (suggested) After registering, complete your Profile.
    This will assist S&Z to communicate with you.
  6. TM Direct Register

  7. Enter your Word mark, or upload your Logo.
    Tips: Type the Word mark in capital letters to ensure that your trademark rights are not case-sensitive, and upload your logo in black and white to cover all colour combinations.
  8. TM Direct Logo

  9. Enter the applicant name and physical address.
    The applicant can be a natural person, a company or a trust.
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  11. Enter priority details.
    South African applicants will likely not claim priority. Priority is only claimed if: your first trademark was filed within the last 6 months in another country; and you wish to claim the date of that earlier application.
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  13. Select class(es) in which your trademark will be used.
    For example, software Apps should be filed in class 9 (downloadable software), whereas “software as a service” should be filed in class 42.
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  15. Download and sign a Power of Attorney.
    You don’t need to add anything to the Power of Attorney – it’s pre-completed. Just sign.
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  17. Upload a scanned copy of the signed Power of Attorney.
    We do not require the original signed form to be couriered to us.
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  19. Pay the filing fee by credit card.
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TM Direct will file your trademark application with the South African Trademarks Office and send you an application number within a couple of business days.

Thereafter, keep track of the status of your trademark application via your online portfolio. Status changes will also be communicated to you by email, and all instructions are effected via your online portfolio.

GlobalIPCo Trademark Management System admin

How long with registration take?

Registration typically takes two years from filing. During this period:

  • the Trademarks Office may issue an office action (which S&Z Trademark Attorneys will respond to);
  • acceptance of your trademark must be published (which S&Z Trademark Attorneys will arrange); and
  • your trademark application will be open for opposition for a period of 3 months.

TM Direct South African trademark registration process

After registration, you may request S&Z Trademark Attorneys to courier the registration certificate to you. Thereafter, your trademark must be renewed every 10 years to maintain your trademark in force.

TM Direct costs

The costs to register a trademark through TM Direct are:

  • Filing cost: R3,450 plus vat
  • Reporting issuance of an office action (with opinion) (if any): Free
  • Responding to an office action (if any): from R2,000
  • Publication of acceptance: R1,000 plus vat
  • Courier of registration certificate (optional): R1,500 plus vat

Special packages available to general attorneys

General attorneys can access special packages that will enable them professionally to provide trademark services to clients at very competitive rates. Just register and tick the “Attorney” tick box, and S&Z Trademark Attorneys will contact you with further information.

Latest Specials
  • Patent Pending Number

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • File provisional patent

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Online SA trademark filing

    Only $199

    Learn more
  • Save up to 70% on renewal fees

    Save up to 70% on patent renewal fees / annuities by paying them online

    Learn more
  • Trademark search

    R2,500 + vat

    Learn More
  • Online SA design filing

    Only $299

    Learn more
  • EU Design Registration

    Only $625

    Learn more
  • Register a Trademark in South Africa

    R4,090 + vat

    Learn more

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Contact us

Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)