Patent Renewal Software

Patent firms can now take back control of your own renewals. License a tried and tested renewal system to manage your renewals; select your own agents; add & process your own renewals; and integrate into your own payment system.

Control your own data and provide your clients with online access to instruct their renewals online through your firm’s website.

The system: emails renewal reminders to clients; updates clients throughout the renewal process (forwarding renewal receipts); enables clients to download cost reports; receives payment from clients; generates invoices; and automatically instructs renewal agents.

Client dashboards

Customise the graphs that provide clients an overview of their renewal portfolio.

Client access

Clients can login, upload cases, process renewals, access historical renewal receipts and download cost reports.

Backend / Admin section

All you need to do is manage payment to agents and “complete” renewals through the admin system. Also, customise your admin dashboards to provide an overview of renewals being “processed”

The system has been in use since 2008 and manages renewal of +10,000 cases.

Suitable for firms with large renewal portfolios, management of which they have previously outsourced.

Latest Specials
  • EU Design Registration

    Only $625

    Learn more
  • Online SA design filing

    Only $299

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  • Trademark search

    R2,500 + vat

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  • Patent Pending Number

    Only $199

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  • Register a Trademark in South Africa

    R4,090 + vat

    Learn more
  • Save up to 70% on renewal fees

    Save up to 70% on patent renewal fees / annuities by paying them online

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  • File provisional patent

    Only $199

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  • Online SA trademark filing

    Only $199

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Contact us

Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)