OAPI patent – country information

If you are approaching the 30 month deadline of your PCT patent, it is time to consider filing an OAPI regional patent. This will secure protection over a large swathe of Northern Africa.

OAPI regional phase patent

An OAPI patent covers the following countries:

OAPI Country Information
Country GDP Population GDP/Capita
Ivory Coast US$ 28,288m 23,919,000 US$ 1,183
Cameroon US$ 27,957m 20,930,000 US$ 1,336
Gabon US$ 19,228m 2,204,000 US$ 8,724
Equatorial Guinea US$ 15,574m 1,837,000 US$ 8,478
Senegal US$ 15,154m 13,567,000 US$ 1,117
Congo US$ 13,781m 4,525,000 US$ 3,046
Chad US$ 13,411m 12,948,000 US$ 1,036
Burkino Faso US$ 12,247m 17,323,000 US$ 707
Mali US$ 11,070m 16,678,000 US$ 664
Niger US$ 7,359m 17,493,000 US$ 421
Guinea US$ 6,282m 11,861,000 US$ 530
Togo US$ 4,360m 6,675,000 US$ 653
Mauritania US$ 4,187m 3,461,000 US$ 1,210
Central African Republic US$ 1,538m 5,217,000 US$ 295
Guinea Bissau US$ 845m 1,699,000 US$ 497
Benin US$ 831m 9,742,000 US$ 85
Comoros US$ 652m 743,000 US$ 878
TOTAL US$ 182,764m 170,822,000 US$ 1,070

The countries with the largest population (in descending order) are: Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Niger, Burkino Faso and Mali.

The countries with the wealthiest citizens (in descending order) are: Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Congo, Cameroon and Mauritania.

Estimated cost of OAPI regional patent:

  • Filing fee: US$ 2,690
  • First year maintenance fee: US$ 430
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