How best to secure trademark coverage for Sub-Saharan Africa

Sub-Saharan Africa: comprises 50 countries; is the second most populous region worldwide; and has the highest population growth rate worldwide.

The table below details the GDP (US$bill.) and population (mill.) for each Sub-Saharan African country and orders them according to their GlobalIPCo Weighting (i.e. 2x[proportionate GDP]+1x[proportionate population]). The GlobalIPCo Weighting accounts for current GDP and potential population-generated growth.

The two highest scoring countries – Nigeria and South Africa – represent 44% of the total GDP and 37.2% of the total GlobalIPCo Weighting and are easily covered by the SANi combination trademark.

Adding ARIPO (13 States) and OAPI (17 States) increases the total GDP and GlobalIPCo Weighting coverage to 71% and 67%, respectively.

One can secure trademarks in up to 64% of Sub-Saharan African countries by filing SANi + ARIPO + OAPI trademarks at a cost of less than $150 per country.

The pricing in the table is the trademark cost available through S&Z.

[The SANi combination trademark is not created by treaty]

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