Double-Decker Pizza Food Recipe Patent
Did you know that a double-decker pizza 🍕 was actually patented? Apart from looking extravagant, it was meant to provide a second pastry layer that retains moisture for up to 18 hours at room temperature – much longer than ordinary pizzas.

In 1979, Gene and Flora Giordano patented:
1. Applying tomato sauce and ingredients to a pre-baked pastry layer
2. Coating the sauce and ingredients with mozzarella and provolone cheese
3. Stretching a second layer of rolled out, unbaked pastry over the entire surface of the layer of cheese – the second pastry layer is preferably punched to permit heat to escape
4. Partially baking the layered pizza
5. Cooling the partially baked layered pizza
6. Applying a layer of ingredients to the second layer
7. Baking the double-decker pizza
Initial partial baking of the second pastry layer in contact with the cheese layer, followed by complete baking between the cheese and upper ingredients causes the second pastry layer to retain a moist texture.
(Patent: US4283431)
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