South Africa PCT national phase patent

South African PCT national phase patent information
Cost of a South African patent: US$ 585
Time to grant: approx. 12 months
Filing deadline: 31 months from priority date, extendable on payment of a nominal fee to 34 months
Language: English
Requirements: All we require is your PCT / WO patent number. We will send you two Declarations and a Power of Attorney for signature. The original signed forms must be lodged. No legalisation is required
Prosecution: The South African Patent Office does not examine patents. As such, there are no patent prosecution or grant costs. The US$585 filing fee includes all costs up to and including grant of the South African national phase patent
Amendments: Amendments may be made after filing the South African national phase patent

Tip: The most affordable South African national phase patent filing ($399) is offered by GlobalIPCo (for whom we are the exclusive South African agent)

ARIPO, OAPI, Nigeria and South Africa patent

Country information
GDP: US$ 350,779m
Population: 52,982,000 (growing at 1.34% pa)
GDP/capita: US$ 6,621
Health care spend: 9% of GDP
Key industries: mining, manufacturing, financial services, agriculture

South Africa is a member of BRICS (together with Brazil, Russia, India and China).

South Africa is the most popular country in Africa to file patents. Also consider filing national phase patents in Nigeria, ARIPO and OAPI (being regional systems for Southern and Northern Africa, respectively).


South African patent law is comprehensive and mature. The South African courts are independent and strictly enforce patent rights. The courts do not discriminate between South Africans and foreigners. Applicants can also rely on South Africa’s strong anti-counterfeiting and trademark laws.

South African intellectual property rights are easily and (relatively) cheaply enforced.

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Intangible Consulting (Pty) Ltd
9 Kruger St
South Africa

T +27 (0)11 483 1439
T +27 (0)11 483 3128 (alt.)